What is Activate Archery Tag?
Activate Archery Tag Brisbane runs archery tag incursions across north and south Brisbane. Archery tag is a safe, fast-paced and incredibly fun sport that can be played both indoors and outdoors. Think dodgeball, paintball and archery all merged into one action-packed safe game for kids! Archery tag is played on a rectangular field with participants using recurve bows and specially designed foam-tipped arrows (so they don’t hurt the opponent). The objective of the game is to hit or ‘tag’ other players or to knock out the center targets of the opposing teams target board with an arrow. Inflatable bunkers are spread throughout the field for players to hide behind.
Incursion Options
Activate Archery Tag Brisbane has designed and tailored a program to be delivered specifically for vacation care centres and schools. This program offers inflatable tag games for ages 6 and under, and an Archery Tag focused session for ages 7 and older. We provide all the equipment and safety gear required for the sessions and our instructors will run the entire event. Check out the video on our home page to see Activate Archery Tag in action!
As a PE teacher with over 15 years experience, I understand the importance of managing and engaging large groups of children. During the session, staff can relax and feel confident that our team are well trained to run a safe, engaging and fun session for every child.
Get in touch so that we can work with you to tailor the perfect event to your centre’s needs!

Archery Tag Incursion Pricing
- We will work with you to tailor the event to your needs
- Event Host to run entire event (sit back and relax)
- All equipment included (bows, arrows, safety maks, arm guards)
- Inflatable bunkers (used for inflatable tag games and archery tag)
Frequently Asked Questions
We have actually attempted to run archery tag events with children 6 and younger and in our experience, they really struggle with the dexterity and strength required to operate the bow. This means that they quickly get frustrated and do not enjoy the session. We therefore advise against doing archery with children under 6. If you are desperate for us to run archery with your children under 6 years, we can, however we do will require additional centre staff to support.
Inflatable Tag is our purpose built activity for children under 6. We use the inflatable obstacles (usually for hiding behind in archery tag) to play various tag related and dodgeball style games. The children absolutely love it!
Absolutely not. The bows are designed to limit the power of the arrows and the arrows are designed with a large foam tip on the end to absorb the impact. Also due to the age of the children, they are unable to pull the bow back to full strength. Children will definitely feel where they got tagged (just like dodgeball), but it will not hurt or leave a bruise.
Yes! We supply face masks and arm guards for all players. Players cannot participate without wearing these safety items
We need approximately 8m x 15m. Approximately the size of a small tennis court is ideal. That being said, we are generally flexible to set up in a variety of locations. Please get in touch if you have any concerns.
We prefer to set up inside a sports hall or under-cover area. This is to ensure the event can run rain, hail or shine. We can however also set up on a basketball/tennis court or the school oval.